Harnessing biophilia to design magnetic office landscapes: A case study
Author/s: Behnaz Avazpour, Dorsa Fatourehchi, Christhina Candido, Iva Durakovic, Samin Marzban, Jordan Smith
Date Published: 16/03/2025
Published in: Volume 29 - 2024 Issue 3 (pages 1 - 27)
The importance of a connection with nature has been recognized to boost workers’ satisfaction
and productivity. Providing data about spaces people want to be in within an office is so
important, particularly in the post-COVID era to bring back workers to the workplaces. This
can attract talents in the competitive job market while they are looking for flexible offices to
accommodate various activities, and positively support their health and wellbeing. This study
aims to explore the value of biophilic design (BD) in attracting workers to the workplace,
increasing employees’ satisfaction with space, and investigate its potential to inform future
workplace design. The Space/Nature Syntax and lighting analysis, combined with
observation, and computational image analysis with python is used to analyse the workplace's
spatial configuration and identify design elements that enhance user experience and
encourage interaction with nature and natural light. According to the findings, BD can boost
space utilization by catering to employees' needs and increase their satisfaction with their
working environment. The results of this study have implications for architects, designers,
and policymakers interested in creating workplaces that are attractive for workers, and more
likely to enhance their sense of wellbeing and productivity in office.
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