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All about the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES)
PRRES Governance
The PRRES Constitution (30kB)
PRRES Model Rules (100kB)
PRRES Additional Rules (36kB)
PRRES Conference Protocol (364kB)
PRRES Board Roles and Responsibilities (91kB)
PRRES Strategic Plan (115kB)
PRRES Prizes and Awards
Below is a list of PRRES Prizes and Awards:
- The PRRES Achievement Award - awarded since 1995
- Best Pacific Rim Property Research Journal (PRPRJ) Paper - Awarded since 2004
- PRRES Meritorious Service Award
- The PRRES Best Refereed Conference Paper Award - awarded since 2001
- PRRES Best Conference Paper - awarded since 2003
- The New Property Researcher Award - awarded since 2000
- Corporate Excellence Award
PRRES Meetings - Minutes of the AGM and Board
Minutes from the PRRES Annual General Meetings
Minutes from PRRES Board Meetings