Positioning of Shopping Centres Within the Retail Market of Singapore
Author/s: Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Loo-Lee Sim, Fei Sze Chen
Date Published: 1/03/2003
Published in: Volume 9 - 2003 Issue 1 (pages 61 - 78)
There has been substantial research on factors affecting the performance of shopping malls and how retail images affect shoppers’ perceptions of shopping centres. However, little research has been done to investigate how these attributes will affect the dimensions of brand positioning of shopping centres. By using a Multidimensional Scaling Model to create perceptual maps, pictorial positions of ten shopping centres are presented spatially in a map, according to shoppers’ perceptions. The results indicate that a two-dimensional perceptual map is appropriate for this study. Factor analysis is adopted to find the two significant major factors that best described the two dimensions, namely “shopping centre attributes” and “product attributes”. After determining the dimensions, a two-dimensional map is created using the Multidimensional Scaling Model. The perceptual map shows the relative positioning of the ten shopping centres and four competitive sets of clusters are identified. Shopping centre managers could use these maps to apply different marketing strategies and plans according to the different segments in order to gain competitive advantage and to identify new opportunities and competition.Download Full Article
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Brand Positioning - Multidimensional Scaling - Perceptions - Perceptual Maps - Shopping CentreReferences
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