Diversification of Real Estate Investment in the Asia-Pacific Region
Author/s: Kwame Addae-Dapaah, Chong Chew Yong
Date Published: 1/01/2000
Published in: Volume 6 - 2000 Issue 2 (pages 31 - 45)
Studies that hitherto have been done on real estate diversification strategies have given inconclusive results. Therefore this paper is aimed at evaluating the relative merits of three direct real estate investment diversification strategies (i.e. international diversification by sector, diversification across-types-within-nation, and international diversification across types) in the Asia Pacific region. The paper is based on return data for nine countries from 1984 to the fourth quarter of 1996 taken from JLW (now JLL) Asia Pacific Property Digest. Because of the peculiar nature of real estate investment, which precludes short selling and riskless borrowing, Matlab Optimization toolbox (a computer software) is used to construct the optimal portfolio composition from which the efficient frontiers are plotted. Furthermore all returns are denominated in the Singapore dollar to reflect the viewpoint of Singapore investors although analyses based on the currency of any of the sampled countries should produce similar results. Analyses of the return data reveal that international diversification by the retail sector was the best diversification strategy during the period although the choice between the retail and office sectors is a function of the investor's risk aversion vis-a-vis expected quarterly return.Download Full Article
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Diversification - Expected Return - Investment - Real Estate - Risk - StrategyReferences
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