Successful Managerial Attributes of Construction Project Managers: Empirical Evidence from Australia
Author/s: Stephen T Gardner, Sacha Reid, Shane Barry
Date Published: 18/11/2024
Published in: Volume 29 - 2024 Issue 2 (pages 66 - 96)
Construction industry growth necessitates effective management of projects to meet time, budget, quality and safety considerations. This research explores ‘project success criteria’ and project managers as ‘critical success factors’ to determine successful leadership styles and attributes. Utilizing an exploratory approach, 16 qualitative interviews with project managers and specialist recruiters were undertaken. Content analysis was also carried out on 200 industry targeted job advertisements Findings highlight that the three traditional success criteria (time, budget, and quality) should also include stakeholder satisfaction, community engagement, health and safety, and environmental factors. Project managers must demonstrate leadership, communication, team motivation, entrepreneurship and decisiveness. These are important contributions to industry and recruitment practices within construction project management.
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