Exploring the potential of big data and data analytics in South Africa's real estate sector
Author/s: Koech Cheruiyot, Lungile Gamede
Date Published: 8/03/2025
Published in: Volume 29 - 2024 Issue 3 (pages 66 - 78)
This paper examines the current applications, barriers, and potential uses of big data and data analytics in the South African real estate market. A qualitative approach was adopted to administer semi-structured interviews to big data and data analytics specialists in the South African real estate market. The results show that the proptech market is still in its infancy in general and that the big data and data analytics submarket is limited in the South African real estate market. Major challenges include the lack of clarity or knowledge of adequate value proposition related to upscaling, supportive ecosystem, storage systems, costs, and the scarcity of technical skills needed for big data and data analytics to blossom. Besides these issues, anecdotal evidence, showing the presence of active companies focusing on big data, and responses from research participants, suggest that big data and big data analytics can grow and potentially bring immense benefits to all stakeholders in the country.
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Big Data
Big Data Analytics
Real Estate Market
South Africa
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