A Critical Review of Retail Gravitation Theory and Determinants of Retail Performance
Author/s: Yihan Guan
Date Published:
Published in: Volume 28 - 2022/2023 Issue 2 (pages 78 - 103)
This literature review aims to bring together the findings of previous studies on retail gravitation, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the factors involved and their interrelationships. One motivation of the literature review is to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework that captures the complex interplay between different factors influencing retail gravitation. This literature review conducted an analysis of common themes and patterns across the relevant literature, synthesised findings and drew conclusions about factors influencing retail gravitation and their interrelationships. The resulting framework identified two main categories of factors influencing retail gravitation and subcategories. The effect of cooperation and competition is also included. The conceptual framework that captures the complex interplay among different factors could serve as a tool for future research in the field of retail.
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