Policy Agenda Advocacy for the Young-Adult Homeownership in Nigeria
Author/s: Andrew Ebekozien, Okechukwu Saviour Dominic Duru, Okhatie Emmanuel Dako, Marvelous Aigbedion, Iliye Faith Ogbaini
Date Published: 02/01/2021
Published in: Volume 27 - 2021 Issue 1 (pages 23 - 40)
Housing affordability in developing cities with an increasing population is a huge challenge and may lead to homelessness if not checked. Studies showed that homeownership at a young age has been demonstrated as a fruitful approach to mitigate homelessness in cities but how far concerning Nigeria’s homeownership for the young-adult professionals is yet to be given the necessary in-depth research. Therefore, this paper investigated the fate of young-adult professionals’ homeownership (YPH) and proffers feasible policy solutions to improve young-adult homeownership. This will mitigate homelessness in society. Six cities in Nigeria were employed as the case study to accomplish the paper’s aim through a qualitative research design because this is probably the first study to explore this approach. Findings show the inadequacy of government’s previous housing policies to provide affordable and sustainable houses for young-adult professionals. Thus, this paper proffers feasible policies to promote young-adult homeownership and form part of the paper’s contribution to the body of knowledge. Also, recommendations proffered will be relevant to policymakers in other developing cities across the world with similar YPH crises. Thus, one of the outcomes will be to mitigate future homelessness in developing cities among young-adult professionals.
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Affordable Housing - Developing Cities - Home Ownership - Nigeria - Professionals - Young-AdultReferences
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