Determinants of job satisfaction of real estate firms’ employees in Nigeria
Author/s: Timothy O. Ayodele, Benjamin Gbolahan Ekemode, Kahilu Kajimo-Shakantu
Date Published: 01/09/2020
Published in: Volume 26 - 2020 Issue 3 (pages 249 - 273)
The study investigated the job satisfaction levels of real estate firms’ employees and the relationship between employees’ personal and demographic characteristics and their job satisfaction levels. This is intending to provide information that could enhance better job performance and enhance human resource management in the real estate industry. Data employed for the study was sourced using a close-ended questionnaire administered on private real estate firms’ employees in the Lagos property market. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The result showed that financial consideration/personal accomplishment was the most important factor influencing employees’ level of satisfaction, followed by work environment skill variety/organizational culture, feedback/fairness, work passion and supervision/workload/work-life balance. Also, the analysis showed that demographic factors with significant relationships with job satisfaction include age, marital status, academic qualification, management level, years spent under the current line manager, remuneration and number of firm branches. Thus, given the increasing investors’ attention towards investments in emerging property markets, and the need to satisfy clients’ increasing sophistication and dynamism, private real estate firms are encouraged to prioritize issues relating to remunerations and workers welfare thereby ensuring an increased level of employees’ satisfaction, enhanced job performance and increased firms’ productivity.Download Full Article
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Demographic Factors - Employee - Person-Environment Fit Theory - Personal Characteristics - Real Estate Employees - Real Estate FirmsReferences
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