Resident’s Perception of the health impact in living proximity of telecommunication base station: A case study of Malaysia
Author/s: Norazmawati Md Sani, Kai Xin Tay
Date Published: 2/09/2018
Published in: Volume 24 - 2018 Issue 3 (pages 213 - 223)
The location of telecommunication towers is of particular public concern due to the dread of potential health peril from the electromagnetic field (EMFs) emitted by these devices. This paper outlines the results of a case study to determine residents’ perceptions towards living near telecommunication towers in Malaysia, and how they evaluate the health impacts of these structures. The results provide initial evidence that telecommunication towers have little influence on residents’ perception on health symptoms and that it would not be a reason for them to move away. Furthermore, the results show that more than half of the respondents feel that it is safe to live near a telecommunication tower but it raises aesthetic concern. The outcome provides a potential source of information for related government agencies in assessing increasing health concern for residents living near telecommunication towers.Download Full Article
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Health Impact - Malaysia - Residents’ Perception - Telecommunication TowerReferences
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