Bridging skill gap in real estate education in Nigeria
Author/s: Timothy Tunde Oladokun, Abel Olaleye
Date Published: 2/01/2018
Published in: Volume 24 - 2018 Issue 1 (pages 17 - 34)
The importance of education is always underscored without adequate demonstration of skill(s) for practice. Appropriate professional skills guarantees efficient real estate investment decision making and prevents loss of investment fund. The study evaluated, from the perspective of employers of labour, the effort of the government, through students, industrial scheme, at bridging skill gaps in real estate education in Nigeria. Primary data were collected with the aid of questionnaire served on 270 estate surveying and valuation firms in Lagos state, Nigeria. The descriptive methods of mean and proportion method were used to determine the contribution of government industrial scheme to real estate education in Nigeria. The result found that through the student industrial scheme, students acquired experience/skill in real estate marketing as well as the art of team work. The paper is to serve as impetus to policy makers to enhancing the quality of real estate in Nigeria. It will also serve as proof to foreign investors of the quality of Nigerian real estate practitioners to give them efficient service.Download Full Article
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Education - Employers - Industrial Training - Industry - Real Estate - Skill - Skill GapReferences
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