Land registration within the framework of land administration reform in Lagos state
Author/s: E.O. Thontteh, M.M. Omirin
Date Published: 4/05/2015
Published in: Volume 21 - 2015 Issue 2 (pages 161 - 177)
This study identifies certain key features of the current land registration system which address the effectiveness of an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in land registration. The study uses both qualitative and quantitative data. The sample population for the study includes Lagos land title registration officials, practicing firms of lawyers and estate surveyors and valuers, from which the sample size was systematically drawn. The study employs descriptive statistics, mean item score and factor analysis to isolate critical factors germane to title registration. The paper concludes that EDMS has not aided boundary dispute resolution neither has it increased the number of applications processed. However, it has improved public confidence in transactions, centralized and consolidated file storage and facilitated availability of an on-line document search and retrieval system at the registry. It has also reduced waiting time for obtaining information on land matters and an improved managerial efficiency was identified as a strength. Furthermore, three critical components were identified as problems for land registration including lack of institutional framework, ambiguous legal framework and inadequacy of technical skills/competent staff. The study therefore recommends an all-encompassing system of land registration which will systematically increase registered titles, reduce land charges/cost and reduce boundary disputes.Download Full Article
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Challenges - Edms - Effectiveness - Land Administration Reform - Land Registration - Sporadic TitlingReferences
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