Assessing the significance of environmentally friendly mall from Malaysian mall visitors’ perspective
Author/s: Teck-Hong Tan
Date Published: 2/09/2015
Published in: Volume 21 - 2015 Issue 3 (pages 275 - 290)
Measuring mall visitors’ experience in an environment-friendly mall is important in determining the performance of the mall. In order to assess the significance of the environment-friendly mall in a developing country, this paper aims to examine the patronage response of mall visitors in terms of patronage satisfaction towards environment-friendly mall attributes. The results showed that Malaysian mall visitors place importance on green mall features such as high ceilings, lush and landscaped greenery, low emission windows and doors, escalators using energy reduction technologies, and solar panel system. The implications of these results are that Malaysian mall visitors somehow perceive the environment-friendly mall differently from the conventional shopping mall. Thus, the government should look into ways to offer incentives to promote green practices among mall developers to construct sustainable buildings in the country.Download Full Article
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Environmentally Friendly Mall - Green Features - Malaysia - Patronage SatisfactionReferences
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