A-Reit Bidder Returns: An Evaluation of Public and Private Targets and Method of Payment
Author/s: Chris Ratcliffe, Bill Dimovski
Date Published: 1/01/2012
Published in: Volume 18 - 2012 Issue 4 (pages 355 - 369)
This study examines the wealth effects of fifty-six Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (A-REITs) acquirers around the announcement date of a merger and acquisition over the period of 1996 to 2010. This study extends Ratcliffe et al (2009) by examining mergers and acquisitions of private entity targets as well as public targets and confirms recent US REIT work in this field. Utilising event study methodology we find that bidding A-REITs earn positive and significant cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of +0.966% around the three-day announcement period [?1,+1]. Analysis also indicates bidding firms earn higher CARs when the acquisition is financed by scrip and/or a combination of scrip and cash. Consistent with prior REIT research, event study results show that A-REIT acquirers earn higher excess returns when the target is private as compared to a public target, +2.834% and +0.457% respectively. Further investigation, employing regression analysis, shows book-to-market ratio has a negative impact on bidding firms CARs, suggesting that investors penalise high book-to-market A-REITs in an M&A due to their higher risk characteristics. We also find that both specialisation by property type and relative size of the bidder compared to the target has a positive and significant influence on bidder excess returns. Finally, our results show support for the method of payment findings in the event study, with method of payment returning a negative and significant impact on bidder CARs.Download Full Article
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Acquisitions - Cumulative Abnormal Returns - Mergers - Real Estate Investment Trusts (Reits) - a-ReitsReferences
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