Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning as a Strategy for Property Education
Author/s: Lee Hong Sharon Yam, Peter Rossini
Date Published: 1/01/2010
Published in: Volume 16 - 2010 Issue 3 (pages 291 - 313)
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centred instructional approach used to promote active and deep learning by involving students in investigating real-world issues in a collaborative environment. In this paper, we discuss how PBL was implemented in an introductory property course running in semester one, year one, which is offered in multiple modes of study. Two qualitative student surveys were conducted during the study period to solicit feedback from students on their learning experience. Comments from students suggested that PBL provides beneficial insight into the valuation process, and the field work and group exercises help motivate students and make the subject matter more interesting. University conducted, end of study period evaluations were used to compare the outcomes of the new course to other courses in the property program and the University. Finally, we identify a number of challenges in implementing PBL; these include workload issues, teachers ‘ content knowledge, lack of experience from both teachers and students, and the need to develop specialised material for off-campus study.Download Full Article
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Active Learning - Constructive Alignment - Deep Learning - Project-Based LearningReferences
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