Incorporating New Technology into the Delivery of Property Education

Author/s: Sarah Cornish, Richard Reed, Sara Wilkinson

Date Published: 1/01/2009

Published in: Volume 15 - 2009 Issue 3 (pages 303 - 320)


Property education has changed substantially in Australia in recent years. Whilst there has been an increase in the number of courses being offered in property education, the profile of a typical student has also changed. Property students are under increasing pressure to balance study and work due to the higher cost of living and the associated cost of education. This in turn has placed pressure on the education system to deliver property in a manner which meets the needs of the industry and the students. At the same time, there has been a marked increase in the use of technology in the business and corporate world which has resulted in increased efficiencies. This paper critiques the potential for a property education course to embrace new technology rather than 100% face-to-face teaching and only paper-based assignments. The focus is placed on the delivery of material and the interaction between the students, the lecturing staff and the wider community. Using the new Deakin property course as a case study approach, the emphasis is placed on pushing the boundaries of the conventional property education process, including the delivery of property lectures, assignment submission and assessment, as well as the overall communication process. The findings conclude that by embracing technology in a property course, there can be a ‚win-win? scenario for the students, the staff and the industry stakeholders. Whilst different property courses embrace varying levels of technology, it seems inevitable that we must continue to evolve the delivery of property education in order to become efficient and effective over the long-term.

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Course Material - Flexible Delivery - Generation Y - Property Education - Technology


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