An Investigation on the Risk Perceptions of Australian Property Fund Managers
Author/s: Chyi Lin Lee, Richard Reed, Jon Robinson
Date Published: 1/01/2008
Published in: Volume 14 - 2008 Issue 2 (pages 199 - 221)
Recent empirical and analytical studies have demonstrated that downside risk appears as an intuitively appealing risk measure in which it is more consistent with investors’ behaviour. Conversely, qualitative studies into the behaviour of investors, particularly real estate investors, have been relatively limited. This study seeks to address this shortfall and aims to examine the perceptions of property fund managers towards risk. A survey was conducted to investigate the risk perceptions of property fund managers and determine whether they only require compensation for bearing with higher downside risk. The acceptance level of downside risk is also examined. The findings reveal that downside risk is more consistent with how investors individually perceive risk. However, there is also a gap between theoretical assertions and practice in which downside risk is not commonly used in the practice. The results give an insight into the knowledge base of property investors towards risk, particularly downside risk.Download Full Article
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Australian Property Funds - Downside Risk - Property Investors - Risk PerceptionsReferences
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