The Responsiveness of LPT Returns and Their Attributes
Author/s: Chris Ratcliffe, Bill Dimovski
Date Published: 1/01/2007
Published in: Volume 13 - 2007 Issue 3 (pages 280 - 297)
The Australian listed property sector has experienced substantial growth over the past decade. Relative to international property markets, Australia has the highest percentage of listed real estate and the highest proportion that makes up the total equity market in the world, hence, making it an important component of domestic financial markets. This study employs the Stone (1974) two factor asset pricing model to investigate the sensitivity of Listed Property Trust (LPT) returns to market and interest rate returns from 2000 to 2005, and the characteristics (namely, management structure, specialisation and the degree of financial leverage) that may be driving these sensitivities. Our results indicate an increase in the market risk profile of LPTs, suggesting an erosion of the defensive benefits of LPTs against stockmarket volatilities.Download Full Article
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Financial Leverage - Lpt Returns - Lpts - Management Structure - Sensitivity of ReturnsReferences
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