The Determinants of Foreign Real Estate Investment in Taiwan
Author/s: Peddy Pi-Ying Lai, Dominique Fischer
Date Published: 1/01/2007
Published in: Volume 13 - 2007 Issue 3 (pages 263 - 279)
This study examines the preferences of foreign investors in the Taiwan real estate market. A multi-criteria decision analysis tool (Analytic Hierarchy Process: AHP) is used to examine how foreign real estate companies determine their localization in Taiwan. This paper identifies the factors that could explain foreign investors’ selection criteria when they decide to invest in Taiwan. The results of our research could be used by the State economic development agencies, real estate developers and central-level policy-makers. The article concludes that among the 24 chosen criteria, the level of perational risk seems to be the determining decision factor.Download Full Article
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Ahp (Analytic Hierarchy Process) - Determinants - Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) - Foreign Investors - Real Estate InvestmentReferences
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