Barriers to Building Partnerships Between Major Stakeholders in Affordable Housing Investment in Queensland
Author/s: Connie Susilawati, Lynne Armitage
Date Published: 1/01/2005
Published in: Volume 11 - 2005 Issue 3 (pages 232 - 252)
The recent housing boom experienced across Australian metropolitan markets has attracted many new investors and resulted in increasing prices across the full range of residential sub-markets for both owner-occupation and investment categories. Of particular concern from a social perspective is the consequential pressure generated in the affordable housing rental market. This paper reports the results of a survey of affordable housing providers drawn from a range of backgrounds. Using in-depth interviews, it compares the opinions of these supply side groups regarding their experiences of the barriers to entry to affordable housing partnerships. The findings show agreement across the sector that partnerships have failed to produce better outcomes than would have been expected without the partnership.Download Full Article
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