Residents’ Perceptions Towards Asbestos Contamination of Land and It’s Impact on Residential Property Values
Author/s: Sandy Bond, David Cook
Date Published: 1/01/2004
Published in: Volume 10 - 2004 Issue 3 (pages 328 - 352)
Contaminated land issues have become more contentious with the introduction of environmental legislation in many western countries and the subsequent rise in the number of damage claims from land contamination that often result in litigation. This paper summarises the results of a study that focuses on residents’ perceptions towards a specific type of land contamination: asbestos contamination. In particular, the study investigates the attitudes and reactions of property owners living in a case study neighbourhood towards living on or near asbestoscontaminated land and how this might impact on property values. The results will be of particular interest to affected landowners, local authorities that have jurisdiction over the land, and valuers where compensation claims are being made against such property.Download Full Article
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