2010 - The 16th Annual PRRES Conference in Wellington, New Zealand
Conference Summary
The conference had over 120 delegates attending from countries which included Australia, America, New Zealand, China, Germany, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, London, Japan, Singapore, South Africa and Taiwan.
Highlights of the conference included the PhD colloquium, key note speakers, parallel sessions, industry day presentations, property case study competition, prizes and awards and the conference dinner.
The PhD Colloquium was held on Sunday 24th January at the Wellington campus of Massey University. The opening address was provided by Professor Graeme Newell who provided helpful hints on completing a PhD and the process of getting through the examination period. There were ten PhD presentations representing seven universities in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia etc. The presentations covered property valuation, property taxation, real estate development, property investment, listed property companies and REITS. The topics were also geographically diversified, covering real estate issues in Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China and other emerging property markets. It is a good sign to see more PhD students coming with a diversified range of topics.
Professor Terry Boyd delivered the keynote address on Monday entitled ‘The brain’ (sponsored by Estate Master). He got the audience thinking about strategies to keep the brain active and the neurons connecting (and reconnecting).
Dr Anthony De Francesco delivered a very well prepared keynote address on Tuesday with the theme ‘industry research needs and how academics could work with industry’.
The parallel sessions held on the three days had presenters addressing a wide range of topics including housing markets, REITS, property development, valuation, housing property investment, finance, affordability, property rights and agency, corporate real estate, property education, land and environment, land supply, rural land returns, management and taxation.
On Wednesday 27th January presenters were invited from the industry. John Peters from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia provided a positive outlook on the future of countries in the Pacific Basin whose economies are closely tied in with China. Both Australian and New Zealand property related speakers which followed also spoke positively regarding the future growth of property in these regions.
Another highlight of the conference was the 2010 PRRES Case competition where a team of students from the University of Auckland nudged the University of Southern California team to win the final by a whisker. Kahwen Tan is commended for the running of the case competition.
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Potential Topics
Housing Economics and Policy; Green Buildings & Environmental Policies; Impact of pandemics upon the built environment; Corporate Real Estate; Asset, Property & Facility Management; IT and Real Estate; International Real Estate; Marketing & Communication in Property; Market Research, Analysis &Forecasting; PPF, PPP & Infrastructures; Performance and Risk Management; Property Development; Property & Urban Economics; Real Estate Finance & Investment; Property Education; Property Valuation; Real Estate Portfolio Management; Tax and Legal Issues in Property; Special Interest Topics - Big Data, PropTech, the Ageing Population; Other topics broadly synergising with the property discipline will be considered.
Peer Review
PRRES 2010 is offering double blind review of full papers. These papers will be published on the PRRES Inc. website
Thank you to our conference organisers
Conference Chair:
Hera Antoniades - hera.antoniades@uts.edu.au
Conference Proceedings Editor:
Dulani Halvitigala - dulani.halvitigala@rmit.edu.au
Proceedings from the 16th Annual Conference PRRES Conference
Delegate Papers
Papers shown as "refereed" have been refereed through a peer review process involving an expert international board of referees headed by Dr Dulani Halvitigala. Full papers were refereed with authors being required to make any changes prior to presentation at the conference and subsequent publication as a refereed paper in these proceedings. Non-refereed presentations may be presented at the conference without a full paper and hence not all non-refereed presentations and/or papers appear in these proceedings. All authors retain the copyright in their individual papers.
Kwame Addae-Dapaah And Chin Yun Jiao
Defensiveness Of Us Equity Reits (272kB)
Kwame Addae-Dapaah And Yu Siew Lan
Shopping Centres And The Price Of Proximate Residential Properties (1MB)
David Emanuel Andersson, Oliver F. Shyr, Tai-Wei Huang, And Jamie C. Wang
A Tale Of Two Cities - How Transit Accessibility And The Financial Crisis Affected The Price Of Commercial Properties In Taipei And Kaohsiung (477kB)
Hera Antoniades Refereed
A Preliminary Study Of The Proposed National Licensing System For Property Agents Trust Accounts (101kB)
Azlina Binti Md. Yassin & Prof. Chris Eves & John Mcdonagh Refereed
An Evolution Of Waterfront Development In Malaysia (357kB)
Bjornlund, H. And Rossini, P. Refereed
Climate Change, Water Scarcity And Water Markets: Implications For Farmers Wealth And Farm Succession (358kB)
Sandy Bond
Best Of The Best In Green Design: Drivers And Barriers To Sustainable Development In Australia (170kB)
Lyndall Bryant
Constraints To Cost Effective Land Supply (154kB)
Judith Callanan
An Update On The Latest Literature The Effect Of High Voltage Transmission Lines On Property Values. (81kB)
Nelson Chan And Norman Harker
Dual Rate Taxed Valuation: A More Rational Approach (158kB)
Fong-Yao Chen And Jen-Hsu Liang
Are Appraisers Rational? Evidence From T-Reits (262kB)
Bwembya Chikolwa Refereed
Dislodgement Of Commercial Property Public Debt Markets: The Case Of U.S. And Australia (562kB)
Lawrence Chin, Phd And Fong Shao Hui
Percentage Leases In Singapore S Shopping Centres (277kB)
Nor Nazihah Chuweni, Rohaya Abdul Ghani And Ting Kien Hwa
An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Rental Growth And Capital Values Of Office Spaces (354kB)
Ian Clarkson
Rural Valuation Education: Taking City To The Country (222kB)
Greg Costello Refereed
Land Leverage Dynamics In The Perth Housing Market (189kB)
Greg Costello And Ferdinand Preller Refereed
Property Development Principles And Process - An Industry Analysis (286kB)
Lucy Cradduck And Andrea Blake Refereed
Dealing With Unique Interests In Crown Land: A Queensland Perspective (242kB)
Simon A. De Garis
Rural Managed Investment Schemes In Victoria, Australia: The Demise Of Timbercorp. (476kB)
Peter Elliott, Simon Huston And Hoon Han Refereed
Homeowner Risk Appetite In A Growing Metropolis (164kB)
Gary Garner Refereed
Approaches For Calculation Of Holding Costs In The Context Of Greenfield Residential Development (201kB)
Bob Hargreaves And Iona Mccarthy
Is New Zealand Farm Land Worth What It Will Produce? (147kB)
Mike Hefferan And Mr. Stuart Ross Refereed
Forces For Change In Property Education And Research In Australia (71kB)
J-Han Ho, Steven Rowley And Greg Costello
From Nomads To Settlers: Scenario Analysis As A Guide For First Home Owners In Renting Versus Buying A Home In Perth, Western Australia. (269kB)
Tai-Wei Huang, Oliver F. Shyr And David Emanuel Andersson
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly The Successes And Failures Of Transit Oriented Development In Taiwan During The Financial Crisis (587kB)
Rodney L Jefferies
Real Valuation For Real Estate? - A Comparison Of Conventional And Real Value Models (88kB)
Seung-Young Jeong And Jinu Kim Refereed
Determinants Of Goodwill In Retail Properties In Seoul (451kB)
Angelo Karantonis Refereed
Is There A Relationship Between Price And New Construction In The Residential Markets Of Australia? A Preliminary Finding. (199kB)
Valerie Kupke, Tony Lockwood & Peter Rossini Refereed
Locating Community Housing Across A Metropolitan Area (618kB)
Valerie Kupke, Peter Rossini, & Stanley Mcgreal Refereed
A Multivariate Study Of Medium Density Housing Development And Neighbourhood Change Within Australian Cities (766kB)
Francis Pf Lai, Dulani Halvitigala, John Boon, Roger Birchmore Refereed
How Can Bim Technology Assist In Optimising The Life Cycle Cost Of A Building? (152kB)
Ming-Long Lee, Shew-Huei Kuo, Ming-Te Lee And Chia-Wei Lin
Market Signals Associated With Taiwan Reits Ipos (148kB)
Chyi Lin Lee Refereed
A Survey Into The Use Of Derivatives By Australian Property Funds (116kB)
Chyi Lin Lee Refereed
An Examination Of Volatility Dynamics In Australian Reit Futures (207kB)
Rita Yi Man Li & Prof. Kwong Wing Chau Refereed
An Empirical Study Of Brand Name, Land Costs, Income And Housing Availability S Impact On Residential Fittings In Hangzhou, China (208kB)
Max Y. Li And Ho, Kim Hin David
A Parametric Model Of The Ex Ante Direct Real Estate Risk And Return Estimation (357kB)
Rita Yi Man Li & Prof. Kwong Wing Chau Refereed
On The Road To Sustainable Well-Furnished Flats In Shanghai: Lessons Learnt From Hong Kong And Sydney (174kB)
Tzu - Chin Lin
Tearing Down Buildings In A City Hungry For Land (189kB)
Daniel Yet Fhang Lo Refereed
Urbanization And Economic Growth: Testing For Causality (179kB)
Michael Y Mak, Willy D Sher, Anthony P Williams Refereed
Students Evaluation Of An Online Postgraduate Property Program (73kB)
Vince Mangioni Refereed
Urban Cleansing And Renewal Redefining The Principles Of Compensation In Compulsory Acquisition (184kB)
Kf Man And Cm Mak
Effect Of Road Traffic Noise On Housing Price - Hong Kong Evidence (392kB)
Patricia Fraser, Martin Hoesli And Lynn Mcalevey
House Prices, Disposable Income, And Permanent And Temporary Shocks (327kB)
Brett Mcauliffe, Refereed
Valuation Methods For Resident Funded Retirement Villages In Australia: A Practitioner S Perspective (70kB)
Iona Mccarthy
The Role Of A Viva Voce (Oral Examination) For Property Students (145kB)
John Mcdonagh
Critical Success Factors In Land Development In New Zealand Part 2 - Planning, Team Member Selection, Project Management, Sales And Marketing Methods (162kB)
John Mcdonagh & P.Brent Nahkies
Heritage Building Preservation The Ultimate In Green Building? (81kB)
Md Nasir Daud, Yasmin Mohd Adnan, Ibrahim Mohd @ Ahmad And Aniza Abd Aziz
Constructing The Model For Malaysia S Office Classification (239kB)
Thi Kim Nguyen Refereed
The Significance And Performance Of Listed Property Companies In Vietnam (609kB)
Tatsuo Oi
Corporate Real Estate Management In Japan (986kB)
Abdul Jalil Omar & Christopher A. Heywood Refereed
Corporate Real Estate Management S (Crem) Positioning Status: Exploration Of The Pcdl Model In Practice (148kB)
Geoff Page Refereed
Farmers Markets Establishment & Operational Considerations (207kB)
David Parker Refereed
Reit Investment Decision Making: A Multi Step Process? (192kB)
Christopher Ratcliffe & William Dimovski & Monica Keneley Refereed
Mergers And Acquisitions Within The A-Reit Sector (157kB)
Lozelle Reed And T.E. Kleynhans
The Highest And Best Use Of Agricultural Land In A Multifunctional Land Market Evidence From South Africa (162kB)
Professor Richard Reed And Georgia Warren-Myers
Is Sustainability The 4Th Form Of Obsolescence? (139kB)
Peter Rossini & Valerie Kupke Refereed
Introducing The Use Of Assessment Based Indicators Of Capital And Site Value To Measure The Economic Benefits Of Urban Renewal (299kB)
Peter Rossini, Valerie Kupke, Paul Kershaw And Stanley Mcgreal Refereed
Time On Market Indicators For Adelaide, South Australia (347kB)
Steven Rowley And Greg Costello Refereed
The Impact Of Land Supply On Prices: A Sub-Market Analysis (265kB)
Felix Schindler, Nico Rottke, And Roland Fuss Refereed
Testing The Predictability And Efficiency Of Securitized Real Estate Markets (783kB)
John Sheehan
Indigenous Carbon Property Rights (38kB)
Jane H. Simpson, John Mcdonagh
Financial Reporting On Corporate Real Estate: A Study Of The Annual Reports Of Non Investment Companies Listed On The New Zealand Stock Exchange (Nzse) (264kB)
Connie Susilawati And Lynne Armitage Refereed
Affordable Housing Solutions: Affordable Housing Providers Perspective (86kB)
Clive M J Warren Refereed
The Role Of Corporate Real Estate Managers In Disaster And Business Continuity Planning (313kB)
Hao Wu, Chyi Lin Lee And Nelson Chan Refereed
An Investment Approach To The Emerging Housing Markets In 2Nd Tier Chinese Cities (106kB)
Hao Wu And Chuan Chen Refereed
A Pilot Case Study Of Inner-City High Density Housing On Brownfield In Chongqing, China (221kB)
Lee Hong Sharon Yam And Peter Rossini
Implementing A Project-Based Learning Approach In An Introductory Property Course (160kB)
Lee Hong Sharon Yam Refereed
Tutoring Strategies To Engage First-Year Students In The Transition To University Learning: The Students Perspective (122kB)
Chung-Hsien Yang, Vickey C. C. Lin, Ying-Hui Chiang And Ming-Fang Yu
A Hybrid Model For Long-Tailed Distribution Property (244kB)
Yasmin Mohd Adnan Md Nasir Daud
Identification Of Important Factors For Office Space Decision By Tenants In Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Malaysia Experts View (206kB)
Nelson Chan
Property Taxes And Fees A Tale Of Two Cities -
Neville Hurst And Richard Reed Refereed
Residential Auction Clearance Rates What Do They Really Mean? -
Tzu - Chin Lin
Valuation Of A Condominium Site In Multi Ownership
Keynote Speakers

Dr Terry Boyd
Dr Terence (Terry) Boyd spent his working career equally between the property industry and academia. He started practice as a property valuer and portfolio analyst in South Africa. He was a major shareholder and director of Russell, Marriott and Boyd Trust. In 1986 he changed to the academic field where he progressed from lecturer to professor within 8 years. Since retiring as Professor of Property Economics at QUT, he has continued his research into property education and authentic learning environments and is contracted to, inter alia, Queensland Government, the private sector, CQ University, University of the Sunshine Coast and the University of the Philippines Open University. He lives on the Queensland Sunshine Coast and believes firmly in a balanced lifestyle which he currently enjoys.
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Anthony De Francesco
Managing Director, Investment Property Databank – AUS/NZ Anthony joined IPD in October 2009. IPD (Investment Property Databank) is the world leader in performance analysis for the owners, investors, managers and occupiers of real estate. Anthony is responsible for the delivery of products and services which include: real estate performance analysis; market indices; research publications; and events and training. Prior to this role Anthony held a variety of roles including; the Head of Research at Colonial First Global Asset Management (2003-2009) and of Head of Research with Lend Lease Real Estate Investments Ltd (1998-2002). Anthony has over 10 years experience in various research roles. Anthony is involved in client presentations and seminars. Anthony is also involved in the education programs of the Property Council of Australia (PCA) and other industry and educational institutions. Anthony has a PhD in economics from UNSW with a strong quantitative background.