2007 - The 13th Annual PRRES Conference in Fremantle, Western Australia
Conference Summary
This year our conference theme is “Challenges and Opportunities for Property Education”. Our keynote speakers, Professors Graeme Newell and Spike Boydell will focus on contemporary issues impacting on property education in their keynote addresses. Increasingly, our universities in the region are moving to funding mechanisms that place considerable emphasis on publications in refereed journals.
We would like to emphasise to delegates the value of our own PRRES journal. The Pacific Rim Property Research Journal (PRPRJ), provides members with a valuable forum to publish their research in an international refereed journal, published quarterly.
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Potential Topics
Housing Economics and Policy; Green Buildings & Environmental Policies; Impact of pandemics upon the built environment; Corporate Real Estate; Asset, Property & Facility Management; IT and Real Estate; International Real Estate; Marketing & Communication in Property; Market Research, Analysis &Forecasting; PPF, PPP & Infrastructures; Performance and Risk Management; Property Development; Property & Urban Economics; Real Estate Finance & Investment; Property Education; Property Valuation; Real Estate Portfolio Management; Tax and Legal Issues in Property; Special Interest Topics - Big Data, PropTech, the Ageing Population; Other topics broadly synergising with the property discipline will be considered.
Peer Review
PRRES 2007 is offering double blind review of full papers. These papers will be published on the PRRES Inc. website
Thank you to our conference organisers
Proceedings from the 13th Annual Conference PRRES Conference
Delegate Papers
Papers shown as "refereed" have been refereed through a peer review process involving an expert international board of referees headed by Dr Dulani Halvitigala. Full papers were refereed with authors being required to make any changes prior to presentation at the conference and subsequent publication as a refereed paper in these proceedings. Non-refereed presentations may be presented at the conference without a full paper and hence not all non-refereed presentations and/or papers appear in these proceedings. All authors retain the copyright in their individual papers.
Hera Antoniades Refereed
Should Residential Tenancy Inspection Reports Be Supplemented By Visual Aids? (44kB)
Dr Lynne Armitage, Victoria Brown
Issues In Property Management: Caravan Parks Housing On The Fringe The Frankston View (156kB)
Henning Bjornlund And Peter Rossini
Tracing Evidence Of Rational Investor Behaviour In Water Markets - Revisited (88kB)
Henning Bjornlund And Martin Shanahan Refereed
Comparing Implicit And Explicit Water Prices In Three Australian States (210kB)
Shaun A. Bond And Soosung Hwang
An Analysis Of Commercial Real Estate Returns: Is There A Smoothing Puzzle? (243kB)
Sandy Bond And Larry Squires
Using Gis To Measure The Impact Of Distance To Cell Phone Towers On House Prices In Florida (641kB)
Terry Boyd Refereed
Bridging The Gap: A Graduate Training Program For The Property Industry In Australia (61kB)
Nelson Chan
Deciphering The Latest Round Of Macro Control Of Real Estate In China (66kB)
Nelson Chan
Should Foreign Real Estate Investment Be Controlled In China? (124kB)
Chau Tse
Pretorius Market Sentiment Winners Curse (116kB)
Bwembya Chikolwa
An Empirical Analysis Of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Credit Ratings: Australian Evidence (253kB)
Neil Crosby And Sandi Murdoch Refereed
Australian And Uk Small Business Leases What Can We Learn From Each Other? (84kB)
Neil Crosby, Sandi Murdoch, Eilleen Webb
Landlords And Tenants Behaving Badly? The Application Of Unconscionable And Unfair Conduct To Commercial Leases In Australia And The Uk. (175kB)
Anthony Crossland
Interest Rate Effects On Listed Property Trust Performance (830kB)
William Dimovski And Robert Brooks
Factors Influencing The Direct Costs Of Property Trust Ipos. (186kB)
William Dimovski And Robert Brooks Refereed
An Investigation Into The Responsiveness Of Listed Property Trust Returns And Their Attributes (238kB)
Chris Eves
Nsw Rural Land Performance: 1990-2005 (144kB)
Nick French
Valuation Uncertainty - Common Professional Standards And Methods (143kB)
Ge, X J And Harfield, T Refereed
The Quality Of Data And Data Availability For Property Research (90kB)
Bob Hargreaves Refereed
What Do Rents Tell Us About House Prices? (74kB)
Abdul Hassan
National Overview Of Housing In Fiji (85kB)
Russell Kenley, Christopher Heywood, Mudrajad Kuncoro, Nicola Brackertz And Nguyen Thi Pham Refereed
Corporate Real Estate Management As A Source Of Competitive Advantage (274kB)
David M. Higgins Refereed
Commingled Four Quadrant Property Funds: Structure, Strategy And Performance (73kB)
Emma Jackson, Valerie Kupke And Peter Rossini Refereed
The Relationship Between Socio-Economic Indicators And Residential Property Values In Darwin. (295kB)
Dr John Keogh
Litigation Issues In Retail Leases In New South Wales (270kB)
Rob Kooymans And James Abbott
Developing An Effective Service Life Asset Management And Valuation Model (144kB)
Vicki Adams, Max Kummerow, John Kilpatrick, Bill Mundy And Ron Throupe
Valuation Of Impaired Land: Greenfield Advisors Experience With Contaminated Sites (159kB)
Max Kummerow
Price Differences Models (176kB)
Peddy Pi-Ying, Lai And Dominique Fischer
The Determinant Of Foreign Property Investment In Island Nations - The Case Of Taiwan (56kB)
Chyi Lin Lee, Jon Robinson And Richard Reed Refereed
Downside Systematic Risk In Australian Listed Property Trusts -
John Mcdonagh Refereed
Trends In The Use Of The Internet For Marketing Residential Real Estate In New Zealand (103kB)
Geoffrey Meen, Julia Meen And Christian Nygaard
A Tale Of Two Victorian Cities In The 21St Century (342kB)
Yasmin Mohd Adnan,
13Th Pacific-Rim Real Estate Society Conference Fremantle, Western Australia, 21 To 24 January 2007 (106kB)
Mohd Nazali Mohd Noor
Adaptation Of Best Value Service On Rationalisation Of Service Charge For Purpose Built Office (Pbo) In Malaysia (67kB)
Jonathan Sayer And John Moohan Refereed
An Analysis And Evaluation Of Hedonic Price Valuations In Local Leasehold Office Markets (77kB)
Georgia Myers, Richard Reed, Jon Robinson
The Relationship Between Sustainability And The Value Of Office Buildings (157kB)
Graeme Newell And Hsu Wen Peng
The Significance And Performance Of Industrial Property In Australia (90kB)
Atasya Binti Osmadi Refereed
A New Property Dimension To Islamic Finance (155kB)
Geoff Page
An Exploration Of Professional Socialization In Pacific Rim Property Programs (116kB)
Page G.M
Review Of Professional Socialization As A Mechanism To Improve Graduate Outcomes (112kB)
David Parker, John Macfarlane, Graeme Newell And Peter Rossini
Developing An Appraisal-Based Residential Property Index (61kB)
David Parker
The Role Of Director S Valuations In Balance Sheet Reporting (83kB)
Hsu Wen Peng And Graeme Newell Refereed
The Significance Of Infrastructure In Investment Portfolios (109kB)
Kathryn Robson
Do Study Tours/Field Trips Contribute To The University Experience? (270kB)
Kathryn Robson Refereed
Life By The Sea: An Analysis Of Residential Property In Coastal Victoria (132kB)
Karl-Werner Schulte And Gisela Schulte-Daxboek
The Profile Of Executive Real Estate Education Results From An Empirical Study (321kB)
Rayna Brown, Gregory Schwann And Callum Scott
Personal Residential Real Estate Investment In Australia: Investor Characteristics And Investment Parameters (283kB)
John Sheehan And Garrick Small Refereed
Aqua Nullius (106kB)
M Skitmore, J J Irons And Dr L A Armitage Refereed
Valuation Accuracy And Variation: A Meta Analysis (265kB)
Garrick Small And Angelo Karantonis Refereed
A Profile Of Property Economists And The Maturation Of The Academic Discipline (75kB)
Garrick Small
Market Perfection And The Case Of Property: Methodological Shortcomings Of Economic Positivism (90kB)
Garrick Small
Motivations And Impacts Of Water Property In Nsw (36kB)
Connie Susilawati And John Hayes
Adding Spatial Location Attributes To Enhance Housing Transaction Data (634kB)
Connie Susilawati And Marinee Virojanapa Refereed
Residents Preference On Utilising Green Space Facility (352kB)
Paloma Taltavull De La Paz
Housing Supply And Prices. Revising The Theory (652kB)
Ting Kien Hwa
Stability Of Dividends And Ffos: The Case Of Reits In Malaysia (98kB)
Trello, Jesus Refereed
The Quantification Of Social Benefit Derived From Housing Financing: An Application To The Needs Of Young Home Buyers In Madrid (361kB)
Clive M J Warren
The Future @ Work Delivering Effective Corporate Real Estate (81kB)
Peter C. Wills
Transaction Based Corporate Real Estate Management (148kB)
Hao Wu, Jon Robinson And Richard Reed Refereed
Economic Transition And Commercial Property Cycles In China (205kB)
Keynote Speakers
Professor Graeme Newell, University of Western Sydney
Graeme Newell is Professor of Property Investment at the University of Western Sydney. He has published extensively in the leading property research journals in the areas of property risk, Listed Property Trusts, international property and the role of property in portfolios. Graeme has received numerous excellence awards for his property research and property education contributions over many years. Graeme has strong links to the property industry, both in Australia and internationally. He is currently editor of the Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, as well as editor of the international section in Journal of Real Estate Literature. Graeme’s keynote address is on “Challenges and opportunities for property academics”.
Abstract of keynote address
The university sector landscape has changed considerably in recent years. Declining university budgets, re-positioning of property departments, and significantly higher salaries for better property graduates in the capital markets have all placed pressure on the development of the next generation of property academics. Despite these pressures, this also presents opportunities for property academics to review their profiles to significantly enhance their property academic career opportunities. This paper will assess the strategies available for property academics to further develop their academic career prospects; in particular, career strategies for new property research agendas, enhanced international recognition and strong academic leadership will be discussed.
Professor Spike Boydell, University of Technology, Sydney
Dr Spike Boydell took up his new role as Professor of the Built Environment at the University of Technology Sydney in February 2006. Spike is taking a leading role in developing the research directions and achievements of the construction, property, urban planning and project management disciplines in the School of the Built Environment. The major thrust of his appointment is to build success in attracting research grants and industry collaborations, increasing research degree enrolments and building the supervisory capacity of academics within the School. After an early high profile career in the property industry, Professor Boydell has held academic positions in Australia, the UK and the South Pacific. His doctoral research investigated the investment appraisal of enclosed regional shopping centres in Australia. He has been actively involved in environmental and sustainable aspects of the built environment as well as being a United Nations Visiting Expert on land tenure and property rights issues. His current research agenda is focused on the City as Common Property, Sustainable Urbanism and leading the multi-disciplinary Centre for the Creative City within the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building. Spike’s keynote address is titled “Disillusion, Dilemma and Direction: the role of the University in Property Education”
Abstract of keynote address
At a time when academics in the vocational built environment disciplines find themselves in an employment environment with an increasing emphasis on research output and impact, there is conflicting push for ‘reality’ from the industry that our graduates will serve. There is resultant disillusionment from both academe and industry. Add to this the expectation from our accreditation bodies that lecturing staff, including part-time faculty with extensive industry expertise, must have a strong research profile and the dilemma is compounded. In a short and provoking keynote address, Professor Spike Boydell will challenge industry, academe and our professional institutions to come together and find consensus on how we best balance the multiple expectations on our university faculties to best serve society in the built environment arena.