2004 - The 10th Annual PRRES Conference in Bangkok, Thailand
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Potential Topics
Housing Economics and Policy; Green Buildings & Environmental Policies; Impact of pandemics upon the built environment; Corporate Real Estate; Asset, Property & Facility Management; IT and Real Estate; International Real Estate; Marketing & Communication in Property; Market Research, Analysis &Forecasting; PPF, PPP & Infrastructures; Performance and Risk Management; Property Development; Property & Urban Economics; Real Estate Finance & Investment; Property Education; Property Valuation; Real Estate Portfolio Management; Tax and Legal Issues in Property; Special Interest Topics - Big Data, PropTech, the Ageing Population; Other topics broadly synergising with the property discipline will be considered.
Peer Review
PRRES 2004 is offering double blind review of full papers. These papers will be published on the PRRES Inc. website
Thank you to our conference organisers
Proceedings from the 10th Annual Conference PRRES Conference
Delegate Papers
Papers shown as "refereed" have been refereed through a peer review process involving an expert international board of referees headed by Dr Dulani Halvitigala. Full papers were refereed with authors being required to make any changes prior to presentation at the conference and subsequent publication as a refereed paper in these proceedings. Non-refereed presentations may be presented at the conference without a full paper and hence not all non-refereed presentations and/or papers appear in these proceedings. All authors retain the copyright in their individual papers.
Prof. Alastair Adair, Mr. Nelson Chan
Reporting on Contaminated Land- A comparison of Australian and British Practice Standard (133kB)
Haydir Alhashimi and Wayne Dwye
Is there such an entity as a housing market? (161kB)
Ms.Nicola Brackertz Refereed
A framework for the strategic management of facilities, balancing physical and financial considerations with service, customer, utilisation and environmental requirements (467kB)
John Byrne and John Flaherty
Measuring Diversity in Australian Residential Property (250kB)
Mr.Nelson Chan
Impacts of WTO Admission on Chinese real estate prices (176kB)
Dr.Marcus Cieleback Refereed
The rental dynamics of the West German market for newly build apartments (189kB)
G.L. (Gramham) Grews
Real estate education on the run : The classroom comes to town (146kB)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. George Earl
Retirement Villages in Australia: Evolution, Prospects, Challenges (387kB)
John Flaherty
Measuring and Evaluating Changes in Returns for Residential Property (357kB)
Raewyn Fortes, Garry Dowse and Allan Smee
Teaching Discounted Cash Flows Via an Interactive Computer-based Tutorial (137kB)
Even Gamby and Mr.Paul Bandall Refereed
The Treatment of the risk/return trade-off in the valuaion of development land using adjusted discounted cash flow methodology (232kB)
Bob Hargreaves and Song Shi
Leaky Home Stigma (165kB)
Norman Harker
Calculation of Implied Equated Yields & Implied Growth Rates for Freeholds : A High Speed Approach (1kB)
Mr. Heinrich Hauss
The role of international property investments in the asset allocation process (233kB)
Dr. T M Havard and M Mark Shepherd
The Commercial Valuation Process in the UK: A Preliminary Process Map (218kB)
Dr. T M Havard and M Mark Shepherd
Reflecting and Reporting Uncertainty in Valuations an Alternative Approach (218kB)
Prof. Dr.Martin Hoesli, Mr.Steven C.Bourassa, Mr.Jian Sun
The price of Aesthetic Externalities (593kB)
Dr. Eddie Hui Mr. Francis Wong
Supply of subsidized sale fats and private housing prices in Hong Kong (227kB)
Jinu Kim
The Dynamic of Australian Property Market (171kB)
Mr. Philip Kimmet, Prof. Terry Bond
An Institutional Understanding of Triple Bottom Line Evaluations Social and Environment Metrics (182kB)
Ms.Valerie Kupke
Renovating the system-changes to real estate practices in Australia (157kB)
Mr. Stephen L. Lee and Mr. Steven Devancy
Changes in the relative important of sector and regional factors:1987-2002 (160kB)
Asst. Prof. Ming-Long Lee, Assoc. Prof. V. Carlos Slawson, Jr. Refereed
Monitoring and Dividend Policies of REITS under Asymmetric Information (124kB)
Asst. Prof. Ming-Long Lee, R. Kelly Pace Refereed
Spatial Distribution Retail Sales (130kB)
Mr. Stephen L. Lee and Mr. Steven Devancy
When does direct real estate improve portfolio performance? (149kB)
Peter Li
Untangling the Relationship between the Property Markets and Macro Economy in China (201kB)
Ms. Iona McCarthy Refereed
Can forest land product milk? An economic analysis of changing rural land use. (193kB)
Mr. John McDonagh
Media analysis of listed property vehicles in New Zealand (205kB)
Prof. George P. Moschis
Housing Preferences of older consumers (108kB)
Matthew S. Myers
Why Native Lands are Worth Less Than Freehold (75kB)
Prof. Lieb Nieuwoudt Refereed
Cash Flow problem of purchasing land by poor farmers (133kB)
Mr. Geoff Page Refereed
Professional socialization of valuation students: what the literature says (109kB)
Dr. David Parker
Generic Software Packages- A survey of property fund managers (134kB)
Dr.Richard Reed and Dr.Christopher Pettit, Refereed
Investing Residential Property Markets Using Employment Data (134kB)
Peter Rossini and Paul Kershaw Refereed
What is the real premium in residential beachside suburbs? (160kB)
Mr.Paul Royston
A Post-Autistic approach to the study of Real Estate investment decision making (209kB)
Mr.Krishn Shah
Facilitating property developments in the Fiji Island : The Legal Mechanisms (160kB)
Mr.John Sheehan and Mr.Garrick Small Refereed
Biota property rights for Australia? (157kB)
Garrick Small Refereed
The Contemporary Ethics of Property Price (112kB)
Ms.Connie Susilawati and Dr. Lyme Armitage Refereed
Affordable housing : who supply it? (166kB)
Mr. Tan Yen Keng Refereed
The role of international property trusts in Australian mixed-asset portfolios (450kB)
Mr.Tan Yen Keng, Mr.Tiang Kien Hwa Refereed
The role of residential property in personal investment portfolio: The case of Malaysia (132kB)
Prof. Nic S Terblanche
The Challenges to valuers with regard to compensation for expropriation and restitution in South African Statutes (203kB)
Mr. Ting Kien Hwa
Corporate real estate activities of listed companies : disclose, announcement and listing requirement (113kB)
Mr. Tan Yen Keng Mr. Ting Kien Hwa
The Development of Asset Securitization in Malaysia (156kB)
Marcello Tonelli and Terry Boyd Refereed
Forecasting Office Building Rental Growth Using a Dynamic (345kB)
Dr. Nikolai Trifonov Refereed
Real estate valuation in transition economics (114kB)
Dr. Sonthonya Vanichvatana
Thailand 2003 Up Trend Real Estate Cycle :Fundamental and Characteristics (164kB)
Tracey West and Andrew Worthington
Macro Economic Risk Factors and Australian Commercial Real Estate Returns (74kB)
Dr. Grace Wong
Quality of life of the elderly in Singapore 's multi-racial society (156kB)
Prof. Dominique Geyer
Cheating behavior and the Bedford's Law (181kB)
Dr. Henning Bjornlund and Peter Rossini Refereed
Factors impacting on farmers willingness to pay for water in temporary water markets (217kB)
Keynote Speakers
Professor Dr. Norman G. Miller
Director, Real Estate Center and West Shell, Jr. Professor of Real Estate and Finance
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Dr. Seek Ngee Huat
Government Investment Corporation Singapore
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Mr. Chun-Ying Leung
Chairman of DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Global, Hong Kong
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