2002 - The 8th Annual PRRES Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand
Conference Summary
This conference provides a major international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest property related research. The conference provides a supportive environment for both academics and graduate students in a range of parallel sessions.
It is ten years since the inaugural Real Estate Educators Conference (the forerunner to the present Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) was organised, which was held at Lincoln University. I am delighted to welcome the conference back to Christchurch in what will be the 8th annual conference of PRRES. This is a unique opportunity to attend an informative and stimulating conference in "The Garden City of the World" during the best of its summer season.
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Potential Topics
Housing Economics and Policy; Green Buildings & Environmental Policies; Impact of pandemics upon the built environment; Corporate Real Estate; Asset, Property & Facility Management; IT and Real Estate; International Real Estate; Marketing & Communication in Property; Market Research, Analysis &Forecasting; PPF, PPP & Infrastructures; Performance and Risk Management; Property Development; Property & Urban Economics; Real Estate Finance & Investment; Property Education; Property Valuation; Real Estate Portfolio Management; Tax and Legal Issues in Property; Special Interest Topics - Big Data, PropTech, the Ageing Population; Other topics broadly synergising with the property discipline will be considered.
Peer Review
PRRES 2002 is offering double blind review of full papers. These papers will be published on the PRRES Inc. website
Thank you to our conference organisers
Conference Chair:
David Parker
Conference Proceedings Editor:
[Name] - [email]
Proceedings from the 8th Annual Conference PRRES Conference
Delegate Papers
Papers shown as "refereed" have been refereed through a peer review process involving an expert international board of referees headed by Dr Dulani Halvitigala. Full papers were refereed with authors being required to make any changes prior to presentation at the conference and subsequent publication as a refereed paper in these proceedings. Non-refereed presentations may be presented at the conference without a full paper and hence not all non-refereed presentations and/or papers appear in these proceedings. All authors retain the copyright in their individual papers.
Billy McCluskey, Frances Plimmer & Owen Connellan
Banding of Property Values - Investigating the Potential of Property Tax Banding (158kB)
Bob Hargreaves, The Banks Peninsula Experience
A Case Study in Rural Tourism (400kB)
Bob Hargreaves
To Rent or Buy: That is the Question (160kB)
Brent Nahkies, Heritage Protection
Redefining Highest and Best Use (523kB)
Bryan Baker
Developing a Model for Residential Rental Real Estate Investment in Melbourne (Australia) (56kB)
Chi-Yuan Tsai
The Housing Location in Taipei Area (322kB)
Chris Eves
The Role of Rural Land in Mixed Asset Investment Portfolios (194kB)
Chris Heywood, Russell Kenley, Greg Missingham
Strategic Local Government Corporate Property Management: A Human Dimension (262kB)
Connie Susilawati
Customer Satisfaction Survey of the Facilities Provided by office Building "X" in Surabaya (298kB)
Connie Susilawati, Sutoto Yakobus and Lenny Sulistyawati
The Influence of travel time and size of shopping centre towards the frequencies of visiting customers in shopping centre in Surabaya (449kB)
Craig Watkins, and Chris Leishman
Examining the persistence of housing submarket price differences (130kB)
David Parker and Jon Robinson
Generic Software Packages: A Further Critical Evaluation (301kB)
David Parker
The Australian Discounted Cash Flow Standard: Progress, Issues and Implications (105kB)
Eddi Hui and Francis Wong
Dynamic Impact of Land Supply on Population Mobility with evidence from Hong Kong (440kB)
Eddie Hui and Vivien Ho
Relationship Between Land Use Planning System, Land Supply,and Housing Prices in Hong Kong (454kB)
Elias Oikarinen
An Application of the Consumption Based Asset Pricing Model to Housing Markets (257kB)
Francis Wong and Eddie Hui
Affordable Housing Development in Western China: A case study of Chongqing -
Garrick Small
An Experimental Study of Auction Behaviour (339kB)
Gary Dowse, Raewyn Fortes and Allan Smee
Virtual Property: An Interactive Computer Based Learning Experience (237kB)
Gary Dowse
The Accuracy of MUREAU Residential Market Forecasts (498kB)
Geoff Page
Teaching Online Property Programs (248kB)
Graeme Newell & Peter Acheampong
The Quality of Property Education in Australia (261kB)
Graeme Newell & Peter Acheampong
The Role of Property in Ethical Managed Funds (228kB)
Graeme Newell, Peter Acheampong and Elaine Worzala
Property Research Priorities in Australia (229kB)
Graham Crews
Real Estate Agents and Consumer Service: The Market Revisited (365kB)
Greg Schwann, Henk Berkman
Trading on Discrete Prices in a Residential Real Estate Market -
H. F. Leung and K C Wong
Risks Created by Tortuous Claims on Unit Owners of Multi Storey Buildings in Hong Kong -
Henning Bjornlund
Are Water Markets Maturing? (103kB)
Iona McCarthy
The Market for Dairy Farms Under Fonterra Cooperative Group (267kB)
Ismail Omar
Institutional approach to the land development process in Malaysia (567kB)
Ismail Omar
Rules Affecting the Land Development Process in Malaysia The Need for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (419kB)
Jack Dunham
Valuation Best Practice: But What are the Benchmarks (694kB)
John Baen
The Implication of September 11, 2001 and Terrorism on International Urban Form and Various Classes of Real Estate. (69kB)
John Dunckley
Financial Reporting: The Drive for Global Convergence (445kB)
John Flaherty and Ric Lombardo
Negatively Geared Property: Determining the Investment Sum (322kB)
John Keogh and Paul Bradley
The Potential for Contractual Disputes in Retirement Village Living (409kB)
John Lawson
The Search for a Valuation Theory (381kB)
John MacFarlane, Jane Murray, David Parker and Vincent Peng
Forecasting Property Market Cycles: An Application of the RICS Model to the Sydney CBD Office market (403kB)
John McDonagh
Measuring Corporate Real Estate Asset Management Performance (482kB)
John Murdoch, Diana Kincaid, Negligent Valuations
Passing the Buck in Australasia and the UK (480kB)
John Sheehan and Garrick Small
Towards a Definition of Property Rights (265kB)
Jon Robinson
Asset Allocation in Balanced Portfolios: A Note on the Place of Property (101kB)
Joseph T L Ooi and Liow Kim Hiang
No Rush on REITs in Singapore -
Joseph T L Ooi and Liow Kim Hiang
Real Estate Securitisation: Unlocking Corporate Wealth -
K W Chau, Murders
Externalities and market efficiency - empirical evidence from Hong Kong (61kB)
K.C. Wong
The Faustmann Condition and the Real Estate Redevelopment Cycle (106kB)
Karl-Werner Schulte
The Role of Real Estate Investment & Finance in Education and Research -
Liow Kim Hiang
The Link Between Singapore Property and Equity Markets -
Liow Kim Hiang
Time-varying Net Asset Value Discount of Singapore Property Companies -
Maurizio d'Amato
A Comparison Between Dividend Discount Model and Cyclical Dividend Discount Model for Income Producing Property Appraisal (370kB)
Max Kummerow, A Statistical Definition of Value
Max Kummerow
The Scope and Method of Political Economy, 2001 (393kB)
Michael Blight and John MacFarlane
Price Movements and Risk in the Sydney Housing Market: 1970 to 2000 (82kB)
Neil Dunse and C Jones
The Spatial Pattern of Industrial Rents and the Role of Distance -
Nelson Chan, Stigma Assessment
A Multi-criteria Decision-Making Approach (273kB)
Nico Rottke, Real Estate Cycles in Germany
Causes and Empirical Analysis and recommendations for the decision process (362kB)
Patrick Rowland and Sandi Murdoch
Security of Tenure for Small Retail Business (480kB)
Patrick Rowland
Lease Length and the Care of Properties (613kB)
Patrick Wilson and Richard Gerlach
Potential Diversification Benefits in the Presence of Unknown Structural Breaks: An Australian Case Study (325kB)
Patrick Wilson, Ralf Zurbruegg
Contagion and Diversification: The Impact of Financial and Other Crises on the Integration of Real Estate Markets (293kB)
Peter Elliot and Richard Reed
The Valuation of Self Funded Retirement Villages in Australia: Analysis: Relaibility and the role of Business Enterprise Value (836kB)
Peter Rossini
Calculating Stratified Residential Property Indices to Test for Differences in Trend, Seasonality and Cycle (619kB)
Peter Rossini, Valerie Kupke, Wayne Marano and Paul Kershaw
Calculating a Better Residential Investment Property Yield Index (492kB)
Peter Wills
Increasing Shareholder Value Through Quality Corporate Real Estate management (221kB)
Richard Hoyt, Mike Wright & Ced Croft
The Ethical Values of Registered Valuers in New Zealand (241kB)
Richard Reed, Residential Housing Cycles
Do they Really Exist? (493kB)
Rob Kooymans & Tracey Bretag
Getting Serious about Educating Property Professionals from Non English Speaking Backgrounds (285kB)
Sally Sims
The Effect of Public Perception on Property Values in Close Proximity to Electricity Distribution Equipment (287kB)
Shi Ming Yu
Client Pressure in Residential Valuations - Evidence from Singapore (375kB)
Sonja Gier and Philipp Naubereit
An Institutional Economic Analysis of Securitization in Real Estate (107kB)
Sopon Pornchokchai
Bangkok Housing Market's Booms and Busts, What Can We Learn (239kB)
Spike Boydell
Land Tenure Conflict in the Pacific (210kB)
Sun Sheng Han, Shi Ming Yu
Does the Spatial Distribution of Property Values Respond to Decentralized Urban Development? Singapore in 1990s. -
Susan Flint-Hartle
Organisational Learning and Success in New Zealand Real Estate Agencies (446kB)
Terry Boyd
Thirty Years Later - "Is there a "new school" of appraisal thought?" (33kB)
Ting Kien Hwa
Relationship Between Malaysian Shares and Real Estate Returns (130kB)
Valerie Kupke and Wayne Marano
The Implications of Changes in the Labour Market for First Time Homebuyers in South Australia (615kB)
Valerie Kupke, Peter Rossini, Wayne Marano and Michael Burns
A Comparison of Various Models to Measure the Implicit Price Effect of Aircraft Noise (380kB)
Vidya Narayan
Rating Appraisal in Fiji Islands (319kB)
Vivienne Spurge
Broadband Technology in the Office: An Appraisal of the Perception and Needs of Office Occupiers and the Potential Impact upon the Office Market (356kB)
Wei Chin
Determinants for Office Investment Markets in Southeast Asian Cities, with reference to Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur (89kB)
William Deddis, Ian Lamont and William McCluskey
The Application of Spatially Derived Location Factors within a GIS Environment (654kB)
Witawat Rungruangphon
Research on Brand Valuation in Real Estate Business (71kB)
Shigeru Ino
Japanese Road Rating System - Pros and Cons (158kB)
Rohit Kishore
Size and value effects for LPTS: A comparison with stocks (127kB)
Riel CD Franzen
Property Assessment for Rating Purposes in Southern and East Africa:Present Status and Future Prospects (153kB)
Lynne Armitage
Indigenous Property Rights: Custom and Commerce at the Interface - A Case Study of the Ahi People's Land, Morobe Province, PNG (66kB)
Jon Robinson
Professional Accreditation and Partnerships: Establishment of Educational Benchmarks in Australasia (98kB)