1999 - The 5th Annual PRRES Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Summary
The 1999 Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) conference was jointly hosted with the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) and International Real Estate Society (IRES) and was held at the recently completed prestigious Mandarin Oriental Hotel. This is part of the KLCC development (a city within a city), which boasts other fine developments including the Petronas Twin Towers (the world's tallest building).
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Potential Topics
The conference highlighted many exciting "firsts". This was the first PRRES conference to be hosted outside of Australasia, the first IRES conference to be hosted within the Pacific Rim and the first real estate society conference to publish the papers on a CD, provided to all delegates. The forum attracted 180 registrants from 17 countries including: New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Thailand, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, USA, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, and Belarus.
The opening ceremony was officiated by the Minister of Finance. Over 80 papers were presented in 27 parallel sessions (nearly half of which were refereed) providing real estate analysts, academics and practitioners the opportunity to present the results of their latest research. The session topics covered a broad spectrum of property related issues including: institutional property performance; indirect property; cycles; property law; housing market analysis; and land contamination.
The keynote address was by internationally recognised UK real estate authority Professor Andrew Baum. Professor Baum, Director and Chief Investment Officer of Henderson Real Estate Strategy, London and a professor at The University of Reading, spoke on "Changing Styles in International Real Estate Investment". A second keynote speech by World President of FIABCI (International Real Estate Federation) Anthony Grant gave an insight into the role of FIABCI.
The PPRES Annual General Meeting provided the opportunity to reflect on the years accomplishments, as well as to welcome the new President, Angelo Karantonis, thank the passed President, Sandy Bond, introduce the new Secretary, Patrick Rowland, and Treasurer, Geoff Page, and elect the President-Elect, John Loh. John Flaherty was thanked for his tremendous work since the inception of PRRES multi-tasking as Secretary/Treasurer, Newsletter and Web-master. Other matters arising at the AGM included a reminder of the future conference venues: 2000, Sydney to coincide with the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, and a bid for 2001 in Fiji.
The social programme commenced with a welcome reception, where the birthdays of Sandy Bond and Ric Lombardo were recognised. A welcome dinner hosted by the Mayor of KL at the City Hall provided the opportunity to sample local "hawker-style" food with performers of traditional dance to entertain.
Award presentations were made during the Gala dinner:
The PRRES Achievement Award, was made to Patrick Rowland, senior lecturer in the School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University of Technology. Patrick has made a substantial contribution to the property profession, through his teaching, research and as Branch Secretary of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, but more specifically through his authorship of a major property text in Australia, and for his commitment to and involvement in PRRES.
The IRES Achievement Award, was made to Professor Chau Kwong Wing, President-elect of the International Real Estate Society, and Professor in the Department of Real Estate and Construction, University of Hong Kong.
The IRES Service Award, was made to Professor Karl-Werner Schulte, passed President of the European Real Estate Society and Academic Director of the European Business School, in Germany.
Continuing the social events, a technical tour of the Petronis Twin Towers provided a birds-eye view from the 83rd floor of KL and it's surrounds. The final evening provided an opportunity to attend the FIABCI Award of Distinction Royal Banquet with the King and Queen of Malaysia.
The meeting concluded with the Property Forum, a panel of property experts from a number of the membership countries who shared experiences from their respective regions of property cycles "From Recession to Recovery to Boom Again" and the lessons that were to be learned. As Jo Albert from the US correctly stated, emphasis should be placed on avoiding a boom situation and aiming for sustainable growth.
Sandy Bond
Peer Review
PRRES 1999 is offering double blind review of full papers. These papers will be published on the PRRES Inc. website
Thank you to our conference organisers
Proceedings from the 5th Annual Conference PRRES Conference
Delegate Papers
Papers shown as "refereed" have been refereed through a peer review process involving an expert international board of referees headed by Dr Dulani Halvitigala. Full papers were refereed with authors being required to make any changes prior to presentation at the conference and subsequent publication as a refereed paper in these proceedings. Non-refereed presentations may be presented at the conference without a full paper and hence not all non-refereed presentations and/or papers appear in these proceedings. All authors retain the copyright in their individual papers.
Nikolai Trifonov Refereed
Real Estate Investments: The Case Of Belarus (134kB)
Randall Bell
Real Estate Damages Analytical Tools And Their Application To High-Profile Case Studies (113kB)
Terry Boyd
Catering For The Mature Self-Directed Learner Who Is Active In The Property Field (12kB)
Cai Suisheng And Cao Dakui
The Residence Supply Is Surplus Or Short? (84kB)
Nelson Chan Refereed
Identification And Management Of Contaminated Land (220kB)
Chen Guan Yan Refereed
China Property Industry: Taking Lessons From Asia Financial Turmoil (39kB)
Gregory H. Chun And Liong Ju Tjung
Corporate Real Estate Holdings By Industry In The Asia-Pacific Countries (463kB)
Gregory J Costello
Price Segmentation, Size Effects And Information Diffusion In Housing Markets (495kB)
G. L. (Graham) Crews
Real Estate Agents And Consumer Service: Buyers And Sellers Have Their Say (146kB)
Chris Eves Refereed
Long Term Impact Of Flood Affectation On Residential Property Prices (87kB)
Dominique Achour-Fischer And Vasanthi Monsingh Refereed
Australian Listed Property Trusts: A Cointegrating Approach (73kB)
Dominique Achour-Fischer Refereed
Hedging Office Rental Decisions (72kB)
Prof. Dominique Achour-Fischer
Non-Parametric Evaluation Of Australian Listed Property Trusts (100kB)
John Flaherty, Ric Lombardo, Paul Morgan, Basil Desilva And David Wilson
A Spreadsheet Approach To Business Quantitative Methods (68kB)
Paul Gallimore And Marvin Wolverton Refereed
The Influence Of Clients On The Behaviour Of Appraisers And Valuers: An International Study (102kB)
Dr Andrew Marshall Hamer And Miss Ester Van Steekelenburg
Urban Housing In Mainland China: A New Chapter (116kB)
Jane Hao And David Scott Refereed
The Real Estate Industry And Joint Ventures In China (65kB)
John Hii Wee Huu Ismail Abdlatif Annuar Md Nasir
Lead-Lag Relationship Between Housing And Gross Domestic Product In Sarawak (339kB)
Daniel C.W. Ho Refereed
Preferences On Office Quality Attributes (63kB)
John Keogh Refereed
The Case Against Unconscionable Conduct (60kB)
John Keogh Refereed
The Language Of Negotiation: Who Cares About The Liability? (26kB)
John Keogh Refereed
The New Approach To Environmental Risk In Corporate Management (60kB)
Paul Kershaw And Peter Rossini Refereed
Using Neural Networks To Estimate Constant Quality House Price Indices (134kB)
Peter Krumm Refereed
Managing Key Resources And Capabilities: Pinpointing The Added Value Of Crem (129kB)
Lau Wai Seang
Performance Indicators For The Malaysian Residential Market (134kB)
Anthony Lavers, John Murdoch And Neil Crosby
Property Valuers And Appraisers Liability Exposure An International Perspective On Negligence In Valuation -
Stephen L. Lee
The European Real Estate Market (134kB)
Chun S. Lee
What Is The Real Estate Studies? (38kB)
John Leigh
Development Of A Mass Valuation System For Rating And Taxing Purposes (33kB)
Stellan Lundstroem
An Efficient Mix Between In-House Management And Entrepreneurs In Real Estate Management (127kB)
John Macfarlane Refereed
A Comparison Of Models For Construction Cycles (210kB)
John Macfarlane And Stephen Moon Refereed
Modelling Of Office Markets In Australia (111kB)
Bryan D. Macgregor
Common Features In U.K. Commercial Property Returns (112kB)
John Mcdonagh
Corporate Real Estate Asset Management In New Zealand (Preliminary Analysis Of Performance And Stage Of Development) (106kB)
Robert Mcmaster And Craig Watkins
The Economics Of Housing: The Need For A New Approach (133kB)
Graeme Newell, Peter Acheampong And Preethi Kottegoda Refereed
Assessing The Level Of Direct Property In Property Trust Performance (125kB)
Graeme Newell Refereed
The Quality Of Valuation Reports In Australia: 1998 (85kB)
Geoff Page
Linking Primary Production To Regional Economic Development In The South Central Region Of South Australia (245kB)
Richard Reed
The Significance Of Character In Long Term Demand For Australian Housing (118kB)
Peter Rossini Refereed
Accuracy Issues For Automated And Artificial Intelligent Residential Valuation Systems (118kB)
Peter Rossini Refereed
Estimating The Probabilities For House Purchaser Characteristics In Adelaide (68kB)
Patrick Rowland
Pricing Lease Covenants: Turning Theory Into Practice (212kB)
Patrick Rowland
Uses For Betas In Property Portfolio Construction (242kB)
Prof. Dr. Karl-Werner Schulte
Complete Financial Plans As A Way To Determine Returns And Terminal Values Of Property Investments (115kB)
Gregory M. Schwann
Distinguishing Residential Submarkets (213kB)
W. Seabrooke, K.C. Wong And Cao Junjian
Institutional Influences On Real Estate Appraisal In China (69kB)
Tan Yen Keng
An Hedonic Model For House Prices In Malaysia (87kB)
Bo B. S. Tang And Stanley Chi-Wai Yeung
Central Business District Development In A Transition Economy Case Studies Of Guangzhou And Shenzhen, China (271kB)
Stephen F. Thode Refereed
Interest Rate Risk, Prepayment Risk, Duration Risk, And A New Mortgage (722kB)
Ting Kien Hwa
Listed Property Trusts In Malaysia : A Comparative Performance Analysis (85kB)
Ting Kien Hwa
The Listed Property Trusts Industry In Malaysia: Factors Constraining Its Growth And Development (107kB)
Peter C. Wills And Colin Dominy Refereed
Control Of Outgoings (Building Charges) In Commercial Buildings. (52kB)
Peter C. Wills. Refereed
Property Management Fees. Are Managers Underselling Themselves ? (54kB)
Wu Ching-Hsuan Refereed
Issues Of Historic Buildings Of Preservation In Taiwan --A Perspective Property Rights (105kB)
Jianping Ye
China Housing Policy And Housing Market (132kB)
Yeung, C.W., Chiang, Y.H. And Choy, H.T
Risk And Return Of Property Investment In China - A Case Study Of Guangzhou (205kB)
Hasmah Abu Zarin
Factors Influencing Demand For Condominium In Johor Bahru, Malaysia (172kB)
Trevor Mills Refereed
A Case For Torren'S System Of Title Registration (139kB)
Amanda J Mccallum
Determining The Characteristics Of Supply And Demand For Housing The 55+ Age Group Into The Next Millennium. (78kB)
Rob Kooymans And Andrew Byars Refereed
Does The Proportion Of Anchor Tenant Floor Space Make A Significant Difference To The Capitalisation Rates Of Australian Regional Shopping Centres? -
Rohit Kishore Refereed
An Examination Of The Distribution Characteristics Of The Australian Listed Property Trusts, Property Returns And Financial Assets -
Dr Mervyn Fiedler Refereed
Some Impacts Of The Howard Government'S Tax Reform Package Upon The Australian Property Industry (68kB)
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Andrew Baum
Professor Baum, Director and Chief Investment Officer of Henderson Real Estate Strategy, London and a professor at The University of Reading, spoke on "Changing Styles in International Real Estate Investment". A second keynote speech by World President of FIABCI (International Real Estate Federation) Anthony Grant gave an insight into the role of FIABCI.
Anthony Grant
World President of FIABCI (International Real Estate Federation) Anthony Grant gave an insight into the role of FIABCI.