1998 - The 4th Annual PRRES Conference in Perth, Western Australia
Conference Summary
This years Pacific Rim Real Estate Society conference was hosted by the Department of Property Studies, Curtin University of Technology and held at the conveniently located Central Metropolitan College of TAFE premises, in the heart of the City of Perth.
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Potential Topics
The three day conference opened by the Honorable Mike Board, Acting Minister for Planning provided real estate analysts, academics and practitioners the opportunity to present the results of their latest research. Of the sixty papers presented, sixteen were refereed providing presenters the opportunity for more formal recognition of their efforts.
The keynote address was given by an internationally recognised US real estate authority Professor Austin Jaffe. Dr. Jaffe is the Philip H. Sieg Professor of Business Administration and Research Director of the Institute for Real Estate Studies at Penn State University. His paper entitled "The Costs of Ignoring Institutional Factors in International Property Research" gave all of those involved in real estate research much to reflect on particularly when evaluating future research objectives.
The conference was organised into three parallel sessions as in previous years to permit presentation of the large number of papers. Session topics covered a broad spectrum of property related issues including: institutional property performance; heritage properties; cycles, indices and forecasts; land contamination; and valuations for public purposes. Two keynote addresses were presented. Professor Neil Crosby in association with John Murdoc, University of Reading, UK whose paper entitled "Property Valuation Variation and The Margin Of Error" questioned the "margin of error" concept as a valid means of measuring accuracy of valuation estimates, and Professor Dominique Achour, Head of Department of Property Studies, Curtin University of Technology whose address entitled "Fiscaltopia and Local Governments: Are We Paying Enough Local Taxes" made the brave suggestion that perhaps we are not.
The Annual General Meeting provided the opportunity to reflect on the years accomplishments. Significant amongst these were the establishment of the PRRES electronic journal ; development of the PRRES Strategic Plan (ratified by PRRES members); revision of the PRRES Constitution; election of PRRES's past-president Graeme Newell as Executive Director of IRES, and the introduction of two new awards: a "Young Achievers" award sponsored by the Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists (AIVLE) and a Property Essay prize sponsored by the Malaysian Association of Valuers and Property Consultants in Private Practice (PEPS) for the best papers submitted by junior property academics, students or researchers.
Other matters arising at the AGM included a reminder of the future conference venues: 1999, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and 2000, Sydney to coincide with the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games; and the establishment of new positions for PRRES: President Elect, Executive Director, Director of Development, Historian, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster. The latter four positions are non board member positions of PRRES. Angelo Karantonis was elected President elect for the 1998 year.
Award presentations were made during the conference dinner function held at the scenic waterfront Matilda Bay yacht club.
Gail Saunders, was presented with a plaque of gratitude for her work as National Education Manager of the Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists (AIVLE). Gail has been responsible for the accreditation of all the property programs in the various Universities and for the development and implementation of a CPD program for the Institute. Gail's new role is as the Executive Director of the AIVLE in New South Wales. The award was presented by John MacFarlane, University representative on the National Education Committee of the AIVLE.
The PEPS Young Achievers award was presented to Ms Lau Wai Seang presented by John Loh senior member of PEPS, for her essay "Purpose-built offices in the Klang Valley - Performance Indicators and Performance Cycles".
The PRRES Achievement Award, PRRES's most prestigious honour, was made to two most deserving recipients this year. One award (deferred from 1997) was made to Professor Tom Whipple, retired Head of the School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University of Technology, for his leading role in the maturing of property education and research in Australia over the past quarter century. Professor Whipple, with an extensive industry background of experience to draw on, has a host of publications in his name and has initiated property courses throughout Australia and Indonesia. The other award went to Associate Professor Graeme Newell, Head of the School of Land Economy, University of Western Sydney, for his substantial contribution to the property profession through his teaching, research and consultation over the past twenty years, but more specifically for his commitment to and leadership in PRRES and its associated societies. Graeme, as immediate past president of PPRES and current executive director of the International Real Estate Society, has been instrumental in the development and promotion of both organisations. Fellow academics, students and industry members have benefited from both Tom's and Graeme's willingness to pass on their extensive property knowledge, helping these individuals to develop both their research and teaching skills. These awards were presented by Sandy Bond, PPRES president, from Massey University, Palmerston North.
The meeting concluded with the Property Education Forum, a panel of property education experts from a number of the membership countries who presented an overview of the current affairs and issues in property education within their respective regions.
Delegates were able to take advantage of an extra optional day-trip out to Rottnest Island, a one hour fast ferry trip down the Swan River and across the coast from Perth. With over 40 km of coastline, Rottnest Island contains quiet coves, rocky headlands and sweeping crystal clear bays perfect for swimming, snorkelling, diving, wind surfing, boating and fishing. For land pursuits one can cycle, bird watch or simply relax and look for quokka, the small, furry marsupial after which Rottnest was named. In 1696 De Vlamingh described the quokka as "a kind of rat as big as a common cat" and named the island "Rott Enest" (meaning "rat's nest").
Sandy Bond
Peer Review
PRRES 1998 is offering double blind review of full papers. These papers will be published on the PRRES Inc. website
Thank you to our conference organisers
Proceedings from the 4th Annual Conference PRRES Conference
Delegate Papers
Papers shown as "refereed" have been refereed through a peer review process involving an expert international board of referees headed by Dr Dulani Halvitigala. Full papers were refereed with authors being required to make any changes prior to presentation at the conference and subsequent publication as a refereed paper in these proceedings. Non-refereed presentations may be presented at the conference without a full paper and hence not all non-refereed presentations and/or papers appear in these proceedings. All authors retain the copyright in their individual papers.
Professor Terry Boyd
The Challenges and Myths of Lessor and Lessee Interest Valuations (96kB)
Michael Benfield
Ethics and Modern Property Development (123kB)
Sandy Bond
Lenders' and Investors' Attitudes and Policies Toward Property Contamination (141kB)
Mr Spike Boydell
Conceptual Frameworks in Property Investment Appraisal: An evolved model for regional shopping centres -
Ms Judith Callanan
Keeping in touch with industry requirements (87kB)
Mr Nelson Chan & Mr Rodney Jefferies & Robert Simons Refereed
Government Regulation of Contaminated Land - A Tale of Three Cities -
Mr Nelson Chan Refereed
The Impact of Environmental Planning on the Value of Contaminated Land (93kB)
Mr Nelson Chan
Tapping Property Information in China (59kB)
Professor Chen Guang-Yan
On the Policy Orientation for the Real Estate Industry Development in China (80kB)
Mr Greg Costello
Price Inertia in Perth Housing Markets (136kB)
Mr Graham Crews
Real Estate Agents and the Law: A New Net Goes Fishing (63kB)
Professor Neil Crosby & Anthony Lavers & John Murdoch
Property Valuation Variation and the "Margin of Error" Published in the UWA Law Review, Vol 27 (2) 1998 -
Peter Dent & Mr Alan White
Corporate Real Estate: Changing Office Occupier Needs A Case Study - Refereed -
Colin Dominy & Mr Peter Wills
Critical Analysis of Outgoings in Commercial Property -
Mr Colin Dominy
Statutory Heritage Protection in NSW: Challenges for the Property Professions -
Mr Garry Dowse
The Impact of Pedestrian Counts on Property Values -
Chris Eves & Mr Peter Wills
The Valuation of Public Land and Property for Private Sector Management with Continued Public Use -
Mr Chris Eves
The Rural Property Markets: A Comparison of Agricultural and Residential Property in Farming Regions -
Dr Mervyn Fiedler Refereed
Some Impacts of Recent Budgetary Policy upon the Property Industry in Australia (63kB)
Mr John Flaherty
The Internet as a Resource for Property Educators (467kB)
Mark Griffiths & Dr Stephen Thode
Evaluating the "Go Dark" Option in Retail Anchor Tenant Leases -
Professor Bob Hargreaves Refereed
Property Market Forecasting - How Good Is It? -
Ms Bobby Hastings & Mr Keith McKinnell
Urban Renewal in a Socialist Market Economy -
Mr Norman Hutchison & David Adams & Alan Disberry
The Structural Framework for Landowner Behaviour -
Professor Austin Jaffe
The Costs of Ignoring Institutional Factors in International Property Research -
Mr Rodney Jefferies & Nelson Chan & Robert Simons Refereed
Government Regulation of Contaminated Land - A Tale of Three Cities -
Mr Angelo Karantonis
Preliminary study of the Greek property market (84kB)
Mr. John Keogh
Seeing the Unforeseeable- Risk Management aspects of Due Diligence in Environmental Management Systems (98kB)
Mr John Keogh
Defective and Dangerous- The Impact of Northern Sandblasting P/L v Harris.... (2kB)
Mr John Keogh
The duty to act with Equity and Good Conscience - an exploration of the judicial decision making process in property related tribunals (71kB)
Mr Paul Kershaw & Peter Rossini Refereed
Examination of the Practical Difference between Industrial Land Sales and Industrial Take-up -
Dr Jinu Kim Refereed
Demand and Supply Analysis for the Industrial Rental and Land Values (197kB)
Rohit Kishore & Mr Graeme Newell
The Accuracy of Commercial Property Valuations (39kB)
Rohit Kishore & Mr Graeme Newell
Analysis of Property Trust Performance Issues (44kB)
Rob Kooymans & Ms Valerie Kupke Refereed
Modelling the Take up of Vacant Industrial Land (155kB)
Mr Rob Kooymans
Alternative Officing - A Study of Its Acceptance in a Branch Office Market -
Mr Max Kummerow
Escaping from Newtonian Mechanics: A Philosophy for Applied Real Estate Research -
Mr Max Kummerow
Office Market Cycles: An Institutional Solution?" -
Ms Valerie Kupke & Rob Kooymans
Modelling the Take up of Vacant Industrial Land - Refereed -
Ms Valerie Kupke & John Pearce
Industrial Property Characteristics and Preferences for Small Business -
Mr Stephen Lee
The Relative Importance of Sectors versus Regions in Determining Property Returns (95kB)
Dr Stellan Lundström
An Investor Driven Information Revolution Within Property Management -
Mr John MacFarlane
An Examination of Property Cycles in Australian CBDs (57kB)
Mr Keith McKinnell & Ms Bobby Hastings
Urban Renewal in a Socialist Market Economy -
Mr Trevor Mills Refereed
Non-solicitor Conveyancers in South Australia (123kB)
John Murdoch & Professor Neil Crosby & Anthony Lavers
Property Valuation Variation and the "Margin of Error", Published in the UWA Law Review, Vol 27 (2) 1998 -
Mr Brent Nahkies
The Building Act 1991 – A Ticking Time Bomb? -
Mr Graeme Newell & Rohit Kishore
The Accuracy of Commercial Property Valuations (39kB)
Mr Graeme Newell & Phillip Pearce
The Performance of Property Securities Funds: 1991-96 (36kB)
Mr Graeme Newell & Rohit Kishore
Analysis of Property Trust Performance Issues (44kB)
Mr Geoff Page Refereed
Landcare and the Selling Process (48kB)
Dr David Parker
Valuation Accuracy – An Australian Perspective (74kB)
Peter Rossini & Mr Paul Kershaw Refereed
Examination of the Practical Difference between Industrial Land Sales and Industrial Take-up -
Mr Peter Rossini Refereed
Modelling Buyer Search Behaviour for Residential House Purchasers in Adelaide (129kB)
Mr Peter Rossini
Improving the Results of Artificial Neural Network Models for Residential Valuation (120kB)
Mr Patrick Rowland
Testing for Agency Costs in Property Transactions (118kB)
Mr Ric Small
A Strategy for the Integration of Customary and Western Land Interests in Australia (127kB)
Ms Connie Susilawati Refereed
Optimal Residential Property Development and Linear Programming (89kB)
Dr Stephen Thode & Mark Griffiths
Evaluating the "Go Dark" Option in Retail Anchor Tenant Leases -
Ms Erica Walker
Valuation Video One - Practical Issues all Taped Up! -
Professor Anthony Walker Refereed
The Development of joint venture projects in the People’s Republic of China -
Professor Tom Whipple
Why the Hypothetical Development Method is Flawed (76kB)
Mr Alan White & Peter Dent Refereed
Corporate Real Estate: Changing Office Occupier Needs A Case Study -
Mr Martin White
Land Claims and Restitution in South Africa - The Valuation Perspective (60kB)
Mr Peter Wills & Chris Eves
The Valuation of Public Land and Property for Private Sector Management with Continued Public Use -
Mr Peter Wills & Colin Dominy
Critical Analysis of Outgoings in Commercial Property -
Mr Peter Wills
The Search for Quality in Property Management -
Mr David Yates
Conflict and Disputes in the Development Process: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective (69kB)
Professor Dominique Achour-Fischer
Fiscaltopia and Local Governments: are we paying enough local taxes? (98kB)
Professor Kyung-Hwan Kim
Expectations and Housing Price Dynamics Following Deregulation -
Professor Kyung-Hwan Kim
Political Economy of Government Policy on Real Estate in Korea (66kB)
Mr Daniel Ho Refereed
Developments in the Building Maintenance Works Sector (64kB)
Keynote Speakers

Professor Austin Jaffe
Dr. Jaffe is the Philip H. Sieg Professor of Business Administration and Research Director of the Institute for Real Estate Studies at Penn State University. His paper entitled "The Costs of Ignoring Institutional Factors in International Property Research" gave all of those involved in real estate research much to reflect on particularly when evaluating future research objectives.

Professor Neil Crosby
Professor Neil Crosby in association with John Murdoc, University of Reading, UK whose paper entitled "Property Valuation Variation and The Margin Of Error" questioned the "margin of error" concept as a valid means of measuring accuracy of valuation estimates
Professor Dominique Achour
Professor Dominique Achour, Head of Department of Property Studies, Curtin University of Technology whose address entitled "Fiscaltopia and Local Governments: Are We Paying Enough Local Taxes" made the brave suggestion that perhaps we are not.