PRRES Achievement Award
Patrick Rowland - 1999

The Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) is proud to acknowledge Patrick Rowland as the recipient of the 1999 PRRES Achievement Award.
This is the highest honour that PRRES can bestow on one of its members and is in recognition of the outstanding contribution by Patrick Rowland to property education and research in the Pacific-Rim.
Following twelve years in the property industry in UK, Botswana and Australia (with JLW), Patrick has enjoyed 14 years as senior lecturer in property at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. During this time, Patrick has assisted in developing the property programs at Curtin University to an international standard.
Patrick's text on property investment and finance is a high quality property text and is used extensively in all universities offering property programs in Australia, both at degree and post-graduate levels.
Patrick has published widely on a range of property issues including property investment, property investment strategies and office market analysis in various refereed property journals in Australia and UK. He is also on the editorial board for the Journal of Property Valuation and Investment, Journal of Property Finance and Australian Land Economics Review, as well as being external examiner for the RICS of the property degree at UTS.
Patrick has been actively involved in PRRES since 1995, having served on the PRRES board of directors and being program chair for the highly successful 4th PRRES conference in Perth in 1998. He has made a major contribution to the success and effective operation of PRRES.
Given Patrick's significant contribution, PRRES is pleased to award the PRRES Achievement Award to Patrick Rowland in recognition of his many outstanding achievements in property education and research.
Angelo Karantonis
President, PRRES
January 1999